Brenda Marie, born in South Bend Indiana under the sign of Aquarius. I have lived a life thus far filled with many of the same events and experiences as most of woman-kind.
I was first blessed by being raised in a house that taught ethics, morals and the belief in God. After moving west with my immediate family to San Diego, California at the age of 19, I changed my areas of interest in education, jobs and living arrangements numerous times. I got married and moved to Las Vegas NV where I have lived since 1992.
Christian David, is now 25, and of all the nerve, lives in beautiful San Diego, California (aka paradise) after graduating from University of Nevada-Reno and is now attending SDSU for his Master’s Degree. He is my pride and joy and only child, can you tell?
I have been married and divorced, worked hard my whole life (primarily in the field of Human Resources), with happy family times, memorable vacations, friendships made, friendships lost, achievements and disappointments, fallen in and out of love (hoping for one final run at that), been a care giver, followed by loss, grief, depression, loss of my faith for a period of time but with growth in my faith for a longer period.
In my 55th year of life, I added to my life’s experiences. It was on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb 1, 2015, an ambulance ride followed by a major surgery and rehabilitation from a horseback riding accident. Having always been a very active, busy woman, working, church, volunteering, team dragon boat racing, spin classes, yoga, meditation and socializing with friends 2 to 3 times a week--- all of that stopped after the accident and my whole life changed overnight.
Now as I work to overcome my physical challenges and recovery, I find myself reevaluating, reprioritizing and consciously reinventing myself into a life I want to get up to every day and live. I have some thoughts and plans, one of which includes Walking the Franciscan Trail, for numerous reasons. To be continued . . .